Keto diet vs Carnivore Diet - So which one is best for you?



The carnivore diet and the keto diet have emerged as two prominent low-carb diets that are currently trending. While these diets share some similarities, they also exhibit significant differences that should be carefully considered before determining which one is most suitable for you. One of the key distinctions between the carnivore and keto diets lies in their permissibility of plant-based foods and products. While the keto diet allows for the inclusion of plants and plant-derived items, adherents of the carnivore diet exclusively consume animal products. Additionally, the keto diet is categorized as a low-carb diet, whereas the carnivore diet, if followed strictly, can be considered a zero-carb diet. The primary motivation behind following either of these diets is to achieve weight loss and enhance overall health. Despite their widespread popularity, it's important to explore the factors that set them apart. Below is an in-depth comparison of the carnivore and keto diets, providing you with valuable insights to help you make an informed decision regarding which diet aligns best with your needs.

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What is the Carnivore Diet?

The carnivore diet is categorized as an elimination diet that restricts food consumption exclusively to meat, fish, and other animal-derived products such as eggs and specific dairy items.

Essentially, the carnivore diet is designed as a zero-carb approach, completely excluding fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, grains, and seeds. In order to adhere strictly to the zero-carb principle, it is necessary to actively limit or eliminate the intake of certain dairy products that contain lactose, a type of sugar. By doing so, the carnivore diet aims to maintain a diet focused solely on animal-based foods.

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The carnivore diet advocates believe that plant toxins are the cause of many health problems, promoting animal foods as the best nutrient source. The diet emphasizes fat and protein intake based on satiety cues, without specifying portion sizes or calorie intake. Reported benefits include weight loss, improved physical health, and enhanced cognitive function. However, scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited.

The carnivore diet is highly restrictive, eliminating all plant-based foods and potentially leading to nutrient deficiencies, limited fiber intake, and disruptions to gut health. Long-term adherence may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, and nutrient imbalances. It is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant dietary changes to ensure nutritional needs are met.

While some benefits may be attributed to the elimination of processed foods and added sugars, it's important to consider the potential risks associated with the carnivore diet. Personalized guidance from a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can help create a balanced and sustainable eating plan that meets nutritional requirements while addressing individual health needs.

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The carnivore diet cuts out plant toxins by focusing solely on meat, fish, and animal products for weight loss and better health.

  What is the Keto Diet?

The keto diet is a low-carbohydrate eating plan that focuses on replacing carbohydrates with fat as the body's primary source of energy. By significantly reducing carbohydrate intake, the body enters a metabolic state called ketosis. In this state, the body starts breaking down stored fat into molecules called ketones, which serve as an alternative fuel source for the body.

During ketosis, the body becomes highly efficient at utilizing fat for energy. By restricting carbohydrate intake and relying on fat as the primary fuel source, the body's insulin levels decrease, leading to a reduced storage of fat. This can potentially result in weight loss. Moreover, the steady supply of ketones to the brain has been suggested to provide cognitive benefits for some individuals.

It's important to note that the keto diet requires careful planning to ensure adequate intake of essential nutrients. While it may offer benefits for certain individuals, it is not suitable for everyone. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before starting the keto diet to ensure it aligns with your specific health needs and goals. They can provide guidance on proper nutrient balance and help monitor your progress while on the diet.

The Ketogenic Diet not only increases ketone production but also leads to significant reductions in blood sugar and insulin levels, along with offering various other health and weight-loss benefits. To achieve the desired metabolic state, the ideal macronutrient composition for the keto diet involves high fat, moderate protein, and low to zero carbohydrates.

Typically, the macronutrient breakdown for the keto diet consists of approximately 60-75% fat, 15-30% protein, and 5-10% carbohydrates. It's important to closely monitor and control macronutrient intake to maintain ketosis, as any deviation may disrupt the metabolic breakdown of fats. By adhering to this strict macronutrient ratio, individuals aim to sustain ketosis and reap the potential benefits associated with this metabolic state. The keto diet has remained relevant in the realm of ever-changing diet trends due to its reported health benefits, including weight loss and improved blood sugar control. These two factors have contributed to its popularity and continued interest among individuals seeking dietary interventions for their health and wellness goals.


The keto diet shifts body's fuel source from carbs to fat for weight loss and improved health.

Keto and Carnivore - What are the diet similarities?

The keto and carnivore diets share several key similarities despite their differences. Here are some primary common points between the two diets.

Both diets reduce your carbohydrate intake

The carnivore and keto diets both involve significant reductions in carbohydrate intake, although the extent may vary. While a typical diet derives around 50-75% of calories from carbohydrates, the keto diet restricts carbohydrates to just 5-10% of daily consumption. On the other hand, the carnivore diet aims for 0% carbohydrate intake.

Both diets rely on fat for fuel

Both the carnivore and keto diets prioritize fat as the primary fuel source, despite their differences in specific objectives.

The keto diet aims to achieve a metabolic state known as ketosis, where the body becomes efficient at burning fat for fuel. By significantly reducing carbohydrate intake, the body shifts its energy source from carbs to fats, leading to increased production of ketones.

In contrast, the carnivore diet does not have a direct goal of entering ketosis. Its primary focus is on eliminating all plant-based foods and severely restricting carbohydrate intake, often to nearly zero. By removing plants and minimizing carbs, the carnivore diet naturally prompts the body to rely on fat as the main source of fuel.

Although their approaches differ, both diets promote fat as the primary energy source, whether through achieving ketosis in the case of keto or through carbohydrate restriction in the case of the carnivore diet.

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Both are very effective for weight loss!

The popularity of the keto and carnivore diets stems from their potential for weight loss. While extensive studies support the effectiveness and safety of the keto diet in achieving sustained weight loss, there is a scarcity of published research on the carnivore diet. However, there are numerous testimonials online from proponents of the carnivore diet.

Research on the keto diet has shown significant reductions in body weight and body mass index, along with decreased triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and blood sugar levels, and increased HDL cholesterol. Furthermore, patients on a ketogenic diet for an extended period did not report significant side effects.

While specific studies on the carnivore diet are limited, one related study suggested that reducing carbohydrate intake and increasing protein may result in better-sustained weight loss compared to diets that are high in protein and low in carbs.

It's important to note that individual experiences may vary, and the long-term effects and safety of the carnivore diet require further scientific investigation. Consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian is advisable before embarking on any major dietary changes.


The carnivore and keto diets replace carbs with higher fat and protein intake for efficient weight loss.

Keto and Carnivore Diet Differences

The carnivore and keto diets differ in their approach to macronutrient breakdown or the lack thereof.

The keto diet emphasizes a precise breakdown of daily macronutrient intake to induce and maintain ketosis. This involves setting specific macronutrient goals and often using Keto Test Strips to monitor ketosis.

In contrast, the carnivore diet does not provide specific macronutrient intake guidelines and does not aim to enter ketosis. The focus of the carnivore diet is to consume animal products while avoiding all plant-based foods.

Carnivore Diet purists strictly eliminate seasonings derived from plants, limiting their liquid intake to water and bone broth while avoiding beverages like tea and coffee produced from plants. The core principle of the carnivore diet is to prioritize animal products and exclude plants from the diet.

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The carnivore diet promotes unrestricted consumption of animal products without specific portion or calorie guidelines. In contrast, the keto diet requires a specific breakdown of macronutrients consumed per day to achieve and maintain the desired state of ketosis.

The final verdict! Which one Is Healthier?

While the carnivore diet has made impressive claims regarding weight loss, mood improvement, and blood sugar regulation, it is a highly restrictive diet that may not be sustainable or healthy in the long term. The purported benefits of the carnivore diet lack strong scientific research support.

The carnivore diet is often used as an elimination diet to identify food sensitivities, where foods are gradually reintroduced one at a time. However, due to its restrictive nature and elimination of most food groups, the carnivore diet may lead to deficiencies in certain micronutrients and beneficial plant compounds. Notably, it lacks fiber, a vital component found in plant foods that promotes gut health and regular bowel movements.

In contrast, the keto diet offers more balance and flexibility in food choices, allowing for a wider variety of nutrients needed for daily consumption. This flexibility makes the keto diet easier to maintain long term and reduces the potential for social isolation associated with strict dietary restrictions.

The keto diet has been associated with weight loss, increased levels of "good" HDL cholesterol, reduced blood sugar and insulin levels, and numerous other health benefits. Previous studies have suggested that using a ketogenic diet for an extended period of time is safe.


Both the carnivore and keto diets have the potential to be healthy, but the keto diet is generally considered to offer a wider range of nutritious food options. The carnivore diet, with it's extremely dietary restrictions, can be challenging to sustain in the long term.

The Bottom Line

The keto diet is characterized by its high fat and low carbohydrate content, offering potential benefits for weight loss and blood sugar control when followed correctly.

The carnivore diet focuses on consuming solely animal products and eliminating plant compounds, serving as an effective elimination diet to identify food sensitivities before reintroducing foods one at a time.

Both diets can positively impact health when properly planned, but there is a lack of long-term research supporting the health benefits of the carnivore diet.

The keto diet is generally a more feasible choice for most individuals as it allows for greater flexibility in food choices, facilitating long-term adherence.

Ultimately, the most suitable diet is the one that can be sustained over time and works best for an individual's specific needs and preferences.

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